Tuesday, May 31, 2011

where to study nature photography

One centre of study for Nature Photography is in Falmouth ...


They also do Ph.D's!

However, at present, I do not see that it would be possible to live away from home so staying with the more general approach of the OCA seems better.

Monday, May 30, 2011

chat with Jose Navarro

It was on an OCA day at the Museum of London that I heard Jose Navarro talking about The BBC Wildlife Photographer of the Year Competition and, in particular, the winning entry that was disqualified since it came to light that the photograph had been set up.

I asked Jose what he thought about the competition as a whole and he gave me a direct answer. He considers that aesthetics have come to dominate content (not his exact words but the gist of what he said!). His point of view with which I concur is supported by the way the same subjects (the polar bear for instance) crop up year after year, each time with a different angle.

The viewer needs to see something that they are familiar with or perhaps the viewer needs to be seduced and that is best done with something familiar.